ASB- » About CHS ASB


ASB Message
Calipatria High School Associated Student Body is designed to make students feel connected to our school and to each other through involvement in ASB organized activities.  CHS ASB represents the interests and goals of the entire Calipatria High School student body. The purpose of our activities is to raise school spirit, continue with longstanding Hornet traditions and of course provide a break from our rigorous academics. 
Our small school has numerous activities throughout the year which include
-Class of the Year Competitions (COTY comps); aka Spirit Stick competition
-Fall Homecoming Parade + Class Float Building competition
-3 Annual Blood Drives, a partnership with the San Diego Blood Bank
-Halloween Spirit Day
-Red Ribbon Week Dress Ups 
-Thanksgiving Karaoke Day
-Canned food drive-partnered with the Imperial Valley Food Bank
-Christmas Spirit Week
-Multi-Cultural Day by the Multi-Cultural Club
-Talent Show by the Multi-Cultural Club
-Senior Christmas Caroling
-Christmas in the Dark Parade (partnered with the City of Calipatria)
-Winter Homecoming Week + Class Poster Competition
-Spring Homecoming Week + MiniWagon Float
-Powder puff Volleyball (Boys), Flag Football (Girls), Cheer (Boys)
-Hornet Olympics