Graduation Requirements
Students will receive diplomas of graduation from Calipatria High School only after completing the prescribed course of study and meeting the standards of proficiency established by the district. The following are required in order to receive a diploma of graduation:
Complete the following course work:
English 40 credits (English 1, 2, 3, 4)
Mathematics 30 credits (Must include Algebra 1 or equivalent)
Science 20 credits
Social Science 30 credits (World History, US History, Government and Econ.)
Fine Art and/or Foreign Language 20 credits
Physical Education 20 credits
All students are required to take 4 years of PE, unless they pass the Fitness Gram (Physical Fitness Testing) and then choose to waive out of PE
Elective 60 credits
Earn 220 credits
Earn a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better over four years of high school.
Pass the required examinations / competencies:
A Excellent Achievement 4 points (5 points for AP/Honors)
B Good Achievement 3 points (4 points for AP/Honors)
C Satisfactory Achievement 2 points (3 points for AP/Honors)
D Poor Achievement 1 point
F Failing to Meet the Minimum Standards 0 points
NM No Mark
I Incomplete
All courses must be passed with a grade no lower than a "C". Courses must be from the CHS UC approved list for the school year the course was taken. Note: 3.0 or higher is required for University of California entrance. D is not considered a passing mark.
A-G Subject Requirements:
2 years of History (1 year World History and 1 year U.S. History or ½ year U.S. History and ½ year of U.S. Government)
4 years of English
3 years of college prep math: Integrated Math 1, Integrated Math 2, Integrated Math 3 (recommended: 4 years)
2 years Foreign Language (recommended: 3 years)
2 years of Laboratory Science: Biology, Chemistry (recommended: 3 years)
1 year of Visual/Performing Arts
1 year of other college preparatory electives