U.S. History 4-Period 4 Assignments

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Jan 6 Review in Google Classroom

Jan 6 Review

Reviewing reading Assignment from Jan 5


Jan 15: Quiz in Google Classroom

Jan 15: Quiz

Past Assignments


June 2:  What have you learned about friendship? in Google Classroom

June 2: What have you learned about friendship?

1. Recap yesterday's article about what have we learned about ourselves this year and open a new discussion about what have we learned about friendship this year.

submit a list of 5 things you wish to improve on next school year.


May 28: Hornets Olympics Trivia in Google Classroom

May 28: Hornets Olympics Trivia

Click on the link below to start the game
School Spirit Competition


May 25:   U.S. History Final Exam in Google Classroom

May 25: U.S. History Final Exam

1. Go over assessment procedures and time limits
2. Passcode:  7685
1. Complete assessment by the deadline: Tuesday night 11 PM


May 21:  Part III Semester Final Review- Study Guides   in Google Classroom

May 21: Part III Semester Final Review- Study Guides

Sync:1.  View video - The Century: America's Time 1953-1960: Happy Daze part III
2.  Review some of the big ideas discussed in Topic 8 and prepare for Semester Final
1.  Complete working on Semester Final Study Guide III
2.  Complete questions 1-8 and prepare to share responses on Monday


May 20:  Part II Semester Final Review- Study Guides   in Google Classroom

May 20: Part II Semester Final Review- Study Guides

Sync:1.  View video - The Century: America's Time 1953-1960: Happy Daze part II
2.  Review some of the big ideas discussed in Topic 8 and prepare for Semester Final
1.  Begin working on Semester Final Study Guide 
2.  Complete questions 14-26 and prepare to share responses tomorrow


May 19:  Semester Final Review- Study Guides  in Google Classroom

May 19: Semester Final Review- Study Guides

Sync:1.  View video - The Century: America's Time 1953-1960: Happy Daze 
2.  Review some of the big ideas discussed in Topic 8 and prepare for Semester Final
1.  Begin working on Semester Final Study Guide 
2.  Complete questions 1-13 and prepare to share responses tomorrow


May 18:  Social Issues of 1950 Part II in Google Classroom

May 18: Social Issues of 1950 Part II

Read together in class pages 440-443
Social Issues of the 1950s: Inner City issues and the struggle of minorities 
Complete questions 2 & 5 on page 443 using pages 440-443 to help respond to questions


May 17:  Social Issues of 1950 Part I in Google Classroom

May 17: Social Issues of 1950 Part I

Read together in class pages 438-440
Social Issues of the 1950s: Counter-culture movements- beatniks & Rock 'n roll 
Complete questions 1 & 3 on page 443 using pages 438-440 to help respond to questions


May 13: Topic 8.6 Part II Assessment Questions  in Google Classroom

May 13: Topic 8.6 Part II Assessment Questions

Read together in class pages 433-437
Discuss Family life and improved standard of living
Discuss the continued importance of education and influence of the tv
Complete questions 1 & 2 on page 437 using pages 433-437 to help respond to questions


May 12: Topic 8.6 Part I Assessment Questions  in Google Classroom

May 12: Topic 8.6 Part I Assessment Questions

Read together in class pages 431-433
Discuss suburban migration and transportation system growth.
Discuss Consumer Consumption and growth.
Complete questions 4-5 on page 437 using pages 431-433 to help respond to questions


May 11:  Topic 8.5 Part II Assessment Questions in Google Classroom

May 11: Topic 8.5 Part II Assessment Questions

Async: 1. All students complete questions 2 , 3, and 4 on page 430 using information from pages 427-430 in textbook
2. Please place all your answers on the Google Document provided.


May 10:  Topic 8.5 Assessment Questions in Google Classroom

May 10: Topic 8.5 Assessment Questions

Async: 1. All students complete questions 1 and 5 (not 1-5) on page 430 using information from pages 423-426 in textbook
2. Please place all your answers on the Google Document provided.


May 6:  Topic 8.4 The Red Scare  in Google Classroom

May 6: Topic 8.4 The Red Scare

1. Read with teacher Topic 8.4 and discuss tensions at home regarding the fear of the spread of communism "The Red Scare". 
1. Complete any unfinished reading if any and complete page 422 questions 1-5 using pages 417-422 as a reference to answer the questions.  
2. Answer questions on Google Doc below


May 5:  Topic 8.3 The Cold War Intensifies in Google Classroom

May 5: Topic 8.3 The Cold War Intensifies

1. Read with teacher Topic 8.3 and discuss tensions amongst the superpowers intensified throughout the late 1940's to the 1950's and how the United States responded to Soviet actions.
2.  respond to in class questions 
1. Complete any unfinished reading if any and complete page 416 questions 1-5 using pages 411-416 as a reference to answer the questions.  
2. Answer questions on Google Doc below


May 4: Edpuzzle - Objective 7.3-  The Korean War (youtubemp4.to) in Google Classroom

May 4: Edpuzzle - Objective 7.3- The Korean War (youtubemp4.to)

1.  Discuss yesterday's assignment and any issues you may have had

2.  Review the origins of Cold War and discuss how that. leads to the Korean War
Complete Edpuzzle below and submit by deadline


May 3: Edpuzzle - Objective 7.2-  The Cold War Begins in Google Classroom

May 3: Edpuzzle - Objective 7.2- The Cold War Begins

1.  View Edpuzzle and complete questions that appear while watching the video
2.  Submit by the deadline


Apr 28-29: Topic 8.2 Assessment Questions in Google Classroom

Apr 28-29: Topic 8.2 Assessment Questions

1.  If you are not testing today please complete the following assignment by Friday 8 am
2.  Read pages 406-410 and use the information from those pages to complete questions 1-5 on page 410
3.  Place all answers on the blank Google Doc below


Apr 26-27: Topic 8.1 Assessment Questions in Google Classroom

Apr 26-27: Topic 8.1 Assessment Questions

1.  If you are not testing today please complete the following assignment by Wednesday 8 am
2.  Read pages 400-405 and use the information from those pages to complete questions 1-5 on page 405
3.  Place all answers on the blank Google Doc below


April 22: Impact of World War II in Google Classroom

April 22: Impact of World War II

1. View "The Big Three Conferences" that had a huge impact on world relations after World War II
2.  Discuss the creations of the United Nations and the Nuremberg Trials for war crimes

Read pages 388-394 in your text book topic 7.8 and complete questions 1-5 on page 394


Apr 21:  The Holocaust  in Google Classroom

Apr 21: The Holocaust

Class Lecture: The Holocaust 

All students complete questions 1-5 on page 387 using information from lecture and pages 382 -387 in text book


Apr 20: Allies Win War - Japan in Google Classroom

Apr 20: Allies Win War - Japan

1. Class Lecture:  Events that led to the defeat of the Japanese Empire in WW2
2. In class discussion regarding video of use of Atomic Bomb in WW2
1. Read pages 378-381 in textbook
2. Complete Googe Doc: Allies Win War Part II using information from both lecture and readings


April 19:  The Allies Win War: Germany in Google Classroom

April 19: The Allies Win War: Germany

1. Class Lecture:  Events that led to the fall of Germany during World War II
2.  Watch a short clip of WW2 video that details the battle of Normandy: D-Day
Read pages 373-377 and complete Google Doc questions below


April 16:  Issues at Homefront Part 2 in Google Classroom

April 16: Issues at Homefront Part 2

Synchronous Time:Continue lecture from Yesterday:  Lecture discussing CA Standard 11.7.5- Issues at the Homefront (U.S.) during WW2 
Asynchronous Time:  All students answer questions 2, 3, & 4 on page 372 using pages 369-372 in textbooks


Apr 14: Edpuzzle - America The Story of Us: WW2 in Google Classroom

Apr 14: Edpuzzle - America The Story of Us: WW2

1. Short intro video discussing U.S. involvement in WW2 and key leaders and battles that were fought.

View and complete Edpuzzle: assigned below 


Apr 15:  America Homefront Part 1 in Google Classroom

Apr 15: America Homefront Part 1

Synchronous Time: Students working online:  Lecture discussing CA Standard 11.7.5- Issues at the Homefront (U.S.) during WW2 Part 1
Asynchronous Time:   All students answer questions 1 & 5 on page 372 using pages 365-368 in textbooks


Apr 13: U.S. enters WW2 in Google Classroom

Apr 13: U.S. enters WW2

1. Class Lecture on events leading to the entry of the U.S. into WW2 and early mobilization efforts
2. FDR Declaration of War Speech to Congress - Analysis
Complete questions 1-5 on page 357 using Topic 7.3 pages 349-357


April 12: America Debates Involvement in Google Classroom

April 12: America Debates Involvement

1. Class Lecture:  United States debates involvement in war Isolationism vs. Interventionism, Quarantine Speech & Four Freedoms Speech
2. Analysis of Quarantine Speech & Four Freedoms Speech 
Complete Questions 1-5 on page 348 using Topic 7.2 pages 340-348


Mar 24:  Great Depression - New Deal Practice Test  in Google Classroom

Mar 24: Great Depression - New Deal Practice Test

1. View Heimler's History video: Great Depression & New Deal in class
2. Discuss any ideas or questions that were placed in chat box during the video that need clarification.
Complete Quizizz: Unit 6 Great Depression Practice Test


Mar 31: Rise of Dictators Warmup in Google Classroom

Mar 31: Rise of Dictators Warmup

Complete the following to earn participation points for today


Mar 31: Edpuzzle - Objective 6.1- The Rise of Dictators in Google Classroom

Mar 31: Edpuzzle - Objective 6.1- The Rise of Dictators

1. Review ideas discussed on Monday and Tuesday
2. take a short quiz check for understanding
1. Complete edpuzzle to help review ideas discussed in class and clarify others.


Mar 30: Causes of WW2 and Appeasement  in Google Classroom

Mar 30: Causes of WW2 and Appeasement

1. Class Lecture: Regarding the Causes of WW2 and the failure of the policy of appeasement.
Complete Questions 3-5 on page 339.
Use pages 337-339 to help you answer the questions


Mar 29: Rise of Aggressive Dictators  in Google Classroom

Mar 29: Rise of Aggressive Dictators

1. Class Lecture: The Rise of Stalin, Mousilini, Hitler & Tojo as military leaders
Read Topic 7.1 pages 332-336 to complete the "Rise of Aggressive Dictators" Google Doc


Mar 25: Unit 6 Assessment (Test) in Google Classroom

Mar 25: Unit 6 Assessment (Test)

Unit 6 Great Depresssion & New Deal Assessment
Password : Hoover


Mar 23: Edpuzzle - FDR and The New Deal in Google Classroom

Mar 23: Edpuzzle - FDR and The New Deal

Class Discussion of Important Topics discussed in Unit 6
Watch and complete Edpuzzle to review for Unit 6 Assessment on Thursday, Mar 25


Mar 22: Topic 6.6 Great Depression Culture in Google Classroom

Mar 22: Topic 6.6 Great Depression Culture

1. Class Lecture: Culture of Great Depression
2. Analysis of Impact of Radio on American culture as a way to gain influence
Use lecture and pages 322-326 in your textbook to complete Topic 6.6 Assessmenty questions 1-5 on page 326


Mar 18 & 19:  Effects of New Deal on American Society in Google Classroom

Mar 18 & 19: Effects of New Deal on American Society

1. Mar 18 -Class Lecture regarding Effects of the New Deal on American Society
Async: Begin working on Effects of New Deal Google Doc below
2. Mar 19: Questions regarding assignment and clarification
Async: Complete Effects of New Deal Google Doc below and submit by deadline


Mar 17:  Further Challenges to New Deal in Google Classroom

Mar 17: Further Challenges to New Deal

1. Class Lecture: Further Challenges to FDR's New Deal
Complete Further Challenges Google Doc


Mar 16: The Second New Deal  in Google Classroom

Mar 16: The Second New Deal

1. Class Lecture: Second New Deal & Labor Unions
Second New Deal Google Doc Questions
Use pages 307-310 and lecture notes to complete questions


Mar 15: Critics of the New Deal in Google Classroom

Mar 15: Critics of the New Deal

1. Class Lecture: Critics of the New Deal
Use pages 304-306 and class lecture to complete the Critics of the New Deal Google Doc


Feb 25: Edpuzzle - The Century-America's Time: Boom To Bust in Google Classroom

Feb 25: Edpuzzle - The Century-America's Time: Boom To Bust

1. Announcement of test for Unit on 1920's on Monday, Mar 1
2. Review big ideas they need to know for test and what to use to study for exam on Monday
1. Complete assigned edpuzzle to review for test
2. Use the notes in this post to study for test on Monday


Mar 11:  Edpuzzle - The First New Deal in Google Classroom

Mar 11: Edpuzzle - The First New Deal

1. Take a quick Quizziz on the two Presidents of the Great Depression
2. Quick review over the past two day's discussion of how each president responded to the Great Depression
Watch assigned edpuzzle: The First New Deal and complete by deadline


Mar 11: Warmup in Google Classroom

Mar 11: Warmup


Mar 10:  Roosevelt's Response to GD in Google Classroom

Mar 10: Roosevelt's Response to GD

1. Review of Hoover's attempt to slow the economic depression
2. Class lecture: Franklin D. Roosevelt's response to the Great Depression
Complete Roosevelt's Response to Great Depression Doc using pages 300-304


Mar 9:  Hoover Responds to Great Depression in Google Classroom

Mar 9: Hoover Responds to Great Depression

1. Class lecture: Hoover's Response to Great Depression
Async: Complete Google Handout regarding today's class discussion
use textbook pages 296-300 to complete handout.


Mar 8:  Grapes of Wrath- Great Depression Primary Sources in Google Classroom

Mar 8: Grapes of Wrath- Great Depression Primary Sources

1. Review Ideas discussed last week of the Effects of Great Depression
2. View clips of Grapes of Wrath and preview primary source
Complete Primary Sources and place answers on Google Doc


Mar 3: Underlying Issues Interactive Worksheet in Google Classroom

Mar 3: Underlying Issues Interactive Worksheet

1. Lecture over Underlying Issues of Great Depression
2. Complete Interactive Google Slide of Underlying Issues of Great Depression by adding a photo or meme in the blank area


Mar 5:   Topic 6.2 Assessment Questions in Google Classroom

Mar 5: Topic 6.2 Assessment Questions

1. Lecture: Great Depression Effects
Use pages 288-295 to complete Assessment Questions 1-5 on pg. 295


Mar 4:  Topic 6.1 Assessment Questions - Causes of Great Depression in Google Classroom

Mar 4: Topic 6.1 Assessment Questions - Causes of Great Depression

Lecture: Causes of Great Depression
Complete Topic 6.1 Assessment Questions 1-5 on page 287. You may use Topic 6.1 pages 280-287 to help you complete questions


Mar 2: Great Depression Unit Intro in Google Classroom

Mar 2: Great Depression Unit Intro

1. Discuss with classmates what the class knows about the Great Depression and begin class by entering what is known on your KWL Doc below
2. Discuss with class what information they need in order to better understand Great Depression enter it that on W of KWL
3. Discuss with class Edpuzzle assignment and its purpose.
Watch Edpuzzle: complete questions that go with video and submit by deadline
Complete the L section of KWL for extra credit points: Fill it with information you gained from the Edpuzzle.


Mar 1:  1920's Unit Assessment in Google Classroom

Mar 1: 1920's Unit Assessment

1. Brief overview regarding procedures and password for assessment
2. Complete Unit Assessment by deadline and submit.
3. Password: flapper


Feb 24:  Topic 5.8 Lecture & Assessment  in Google Classroom

Feb 24: Topic 5.8 Lecture & Assessment

1. Class Lecture on Harlem Rennaissance
2. Preview class assignment: assessment questions 1-5 on page 274
1. Use pages 269-274 to complete questions 1-5 on page 274


Feb 23: Topic 5.7 Assessment Lecture & Questions in Google Classroom

Feb 23: Topic 5.7 Assessment Lecture & Questions

1. Class Lecture on 1920's society and culture
2. Preview class assignment: assessment questions 1-5 on page 268
1. Use pages 261-268 to complete questions 1-5 on page 268


Feb 22:  Immigration and Prohibition Lecture in Google Classroom

Feb 22: Immigration and Prohibition Lecture

1. Follow directions given by Ms. Maciel
2. Watch and listen to Video Lecture in class regarding Immigration and Prohibition in the U.S. during the 1920's
3. Listen for today's assignment - Use Lecture & pages 256-260
Complete Immigration and Prohibition Google Doc Assignment and submit by deadline for full points


Feb 19: Palmer Raids Primary Sources  in Google Classroom

Feb 19: Palmer Raids Primary Sources

1. Lecture discussing what the Palmer Raids were
2. Watch video further explaining the Palmer Raids
3. Discuss why they occurred and preview the primary sources that will be analyzed today.
1. Respond to primary sources by completing the Palmer Raid Analysis Questions.


Feb 18: Topic 5.6 Assessment Questions in Google Classroom

Feb 18: Topic 5.6 Assessment Questions

Synchronous Time:
Students working online: Lecture discussing CA Standard 11.5.2 - Rural America vs. Urban America: American Values, Red Scare and events in U.S. after WWI
All Students complete questions 1-3 on page 260 in textbook


Feb 17: Topic 5.5 Assessment Questions in Google Classroom

Feb 17: Topic 5.5 Assessment Questions

Lecture discussing CA Standard 11.5.1 - The Policies of Presidents Harding & Coolidge explaining actions that lead to great growth and eventually The Great Depression
Read if necessary pages 246-251 and complete questions 1-5 on page 251


Feb 16:  Topic 5.4 Assessment Questions in Google Classroom

Feb 16: Topic 5.4 Assessment Questions

Class Lecture describing the rise of the U.S. as an economic power during the 1920's and how mass production and the automobile transformed the U.S.
Read if necessary pages 239-245 and complete questions 1-5 on page 245


Feb 11: WWI Test in Google Classroom

Feb 11: WWI Test

1. Wrap up discussion regarding yesterday's writing assignment
2. Preview WWI Study Guide and how to best complete the assignment
1. Complete Study Guide for WWI and use it to study for tomorrow's test


Feb 9 & 10: 14 points Treaty of Versailles Writing Assignment  in Google Classroom

Feb 9 & 10: 14 points Treaty of Versailles Writing Assignment

1. Watch short video discussing the Treaty of Versailles and Wilson's 14 points for lasting peace
2. Discuss and preview 2 day assignment.
3. Day 1: Venn Diagram - use the statements on the chart above the Venn Diagram to decide which goals the Allies and Wilson had in common and those they disagreed on.
4. Day 2: Use the information on the Venn Diagram to create a one paragraph statement that explains how the goals set in the Treaty of Versailles were quite different than those of Presidnet Wilson's
Day 1: organize goals into Venn Diagram listing them as either different or similar
Day 2: use the information on Venn Diagram to answer prompt regarding differences of goals for the end of World War I


Feb 4:  Civil Liberties -Schenck v. United States in Google Classroom

Feb 4: Civil Liberties -Schenck v. United States

1. Discussion over Section 3 Reading Assignment using Google Slides
2. Preview assignment Shenck v. United States.
1. Read Schenk v United States PDF to gain a better understanding of courtcase
2. Complete questions at bottom of Google Doc using information above the questions to help guide your responses regarding the case.


Feb 3:  Life on the Homefront WW1 in Google Classroom

Feb 3: Life on the Homefront WW1

Discuss how Americans had to adjust to life at home during WWI
1. Go over Homefront Info Sheet to learn about some of the changes in society during WWI
2. Complete questions on the Homefront Question Sheet


Feb 2: The War at Home in Google Classroom

Feb 2: The War at Home

1. Preview reading assignment for today and the objectives of the assignment
2. Highlight important reading areas that you will need to know for quiz that you will have tomorrow
Complete questions 2-5 at end of reading assignment and submit via Google Doc below


Feb 1:  WWI the Homefront in Google Classroom

Feb 1: WWI the Homefront

1. Preview reading assignment for today and the objectives of the assignment
2. Highlight important reading areas that you will need to know for quiz that you will have tomorrow
Complete questions 2-4 at end of reading assignment and submit via Google Doc below


Jan 27-29: World War I Guided Notes  in Google Classroom

Jan 27-29: World War I Guided Notes

Class lecture on causes of World War I, weapons used, events during war, and the end of war.
Complete World War I Guided Notes - Google Doc


Jan 28: Weapons of World War I in Google Classroom

Jan 28: Weapons of World War I

1. Quick Review of Causes of World War I and how Militarism brought modern weapons with deadly effects
2. Open today's assignment on Google Classroom and preview what is needed to complete it
Complete - Weapons of World War I Graphic Organizer and submit by deadline


Jan 26:  World War I: Key Terms  in Google Classroom

Jan 26: World War I: Key Terms

1. Missing work must be submitted no later than Feb 5
2. Introduction of World War I unit and Key Terms
3. Key terms defintions and picture: Google Handout


Jan 25:  U.S. Imperialism Paragraph Assessment  in Google Classroom

Jan 25: U.S. Imperialism Paragraph Assessment


Jan 21-22:  Imperialism Unit Assessment  in Google Classroom

Jan 21-22: Imperialism Unit Assessment

Synch Time:
1. Class discussion regarding directions for Imperialism Unit Assessment
2. Use textbook pages 187-207 or the hyperlinks on the Google Doc below to research each event listed on the far left
3. in the first blue box next to event place the year, next box decide after doing research if the event was the act of a bully or world leader, then provide evidence from text or hyperlinks to defend your decision
4. Please ensure you cite each piece of evidence being used and place them at the end with brackets, example: (Pearson)
Asycnh Time:
1. Begin doing research on Thursday Jan 21 and attempt to complete 5 events listed on graphic organizer
2. Complete doing research on Friday Jan 22 by doing remaining 5 events on graphic organizer


Jan 20:  Imperialism vs Anti-Imperialism  in Google Classroom

Jan 20: Imperialism vs Anti-Imperialism

Discuss in class using teacher notes anti-imperialistic movements in the United States
Complete Smedley Butler assignment: Google Doc


Jan 19:  Topic 4.7 The United States Emerges as a World Power in Google Classroom

Jan 19: Topic 4.7 The United States Emerges as a World Power

1. Read Topic 4.7 in class and follow along as teacher highlights certain important aspects of the readings
1. Complete questions 1-5 at end of section


Jan 14:  Presidents under U.S. Expansion (Imperialism) Period in Google Classroom

Jan 14: Presidents under U.S. Expansion (Imperialism) Period

Synchronous Time:
1. Lecture: Discussion of how 4 different Presidents dealt with U.S. Expansionism and the nicknames that were associated with each foreign policy
2. Go over research documents students will use to complete the “Presidential Imperialist Policies” doc. Students working from distance learning packet will use printed research documents.
1. Use research pages to complete the Spanish-American War Timeline doc. You can use links below or hyperlinks on the document.


Jan 13:  Spanish-American War Timeline in Google Classroom

Jan 13: Spanish-American War Timeline

1. Discuss how the Treaty of Paris ended the Spanish American War and decided the fate of several conquered territories.
1. Use links below or hyperlinks on document to research the fate of conquered territories after the Spanish-American War


Jan 11-12:  Spanish-American War Notes in Google Classroom

Jan 11-12: Spanish-American War Notes

1. Discuss in class the push to influence other territories thru U.S. expansionism & the Spanish-American War
2. Lecutre will take 2 days: first half will be covered on Monday, the other half on Tuesday the following day.
1. Use teacher notes to begin to complete Spanish-American War Notes.


Jan 7: The Annexation of Hawaii in Google Classroom

Jan 7: The Annexation of Hawaii

Synch Time:
Review ideas of how Hawaii became a territory of U.S.
Asynch Time:
Research the key figures involved in the Annexation of Hawaii and explain what their roles were.
You may use the websites I provided below & Topic 4.5 pages 190-191 to help you complete the assignment.


Jan 8: U.S. Imperialism Beginnings Quiz in Google Classroom

Jan 8: U.S. Imperialism Beginnings Quiz

Synch Time:
1. Work with teacher during class time to complete quiz
2. submit before exiting class
Asynch Time:
Finish yesterday's assignment and submit before due date


Jan 6:  Annexation of Hawaii in Google Classroom

Jan 6: Annexation of Hawaii

Synch Time:
1. Take short Quizziz to begin class over yesterday's readings.
2. Go over how we began U.S. expansion outside our borders in 1867.
3. Read how we attained Hawaii
Asynch Time:
1. Compare how one textbook states we annexed Hawaii with another textbook's version of events.
2. Read Hawaii pdf in document below then answer 3 short questions analyzing the differences and similarities.


Jan 5: U.S Imperialism Beginnings Comp Check in Google Classroom

Jan 5: U.S Imperialism Beginnings Comp Check

Discuss with teacher the beginnings of U.S. Imperialism and early attempts
Read with teacher pages 187-189
Compete U.S. Imperialism Beginnings Comp Check Document below


Jan 4:  U.S. Imperialism Definitions in Google Classroom

Jan 4: U.S. Imperialism Definitions

Synch Time
1. Go over procedures and online class rules
2. Review new procedures and grading policy for the second semester
3. Introduce new U.S. History unit: U.S. Imperialsim and key terms for the unit
4. Go over directions how to complete assignment, ansk questions if necessary
Asynch Time:
5. Use textbook and google image search to complete Key Terms assigned today


2nd Semester Syllabus.  in Google Classroom

2nd Semester Syllabus.

Please sign and return to receive full participation points for today
Document contains changes in procedures and grading for the second semester


Dec 17:  Edpuzzle - America the Story of Us- Cities IV in Google Classroom

Dec 17: Edpuzzle - America the Story of Us- Cities IV

Synch Time: Work on puzzle during class time, complete before leaving class
Asynch Time: Work on missing assignments to improve semester grade


Dec 16: Edpuzzle - America the Story of Us- Cities III in Google Classroom

Dec 16: Edpuzzle - America the Story of Us- Cities III

Synch Time: Work on puzzle during class time, complete before leaving class
Asynch Time: Work on missing assignments to improve semester grade


Dec 15: Edpuzzle - America the Story of Us- Cities II in Google Classroom

Dec 15: Edpuzzle - America the Story of Us- Cities II

Synch Time: Work on puzzle during class time, complete before leaving class
Asynch Time: Work on missing assignments to improve semester grade


Dec 14: Edpuzzle -  America the Story of Us- Cities Part 1 in Google Classroom

Dec 14: Edpuzzle - America the Story of Us- Cities Part 1

Synch Time: Work on puzzle during class time, complete before leaving class
Asynch Time: Work on missing assignments to improve semester grade


Dec 10 & 11:  U.S. History Semester Final in Google Classroom

Dec 10 & 11: U.S. History Semester Final

Synch Time:
Discuss directions and procedures for Semester Final
Passcode: 8291
Asynch Time:
Complete Semester Final and submit by due date


Dec 8: Edpuzzle - Progressive Presidents in Google Classroom

Dec 8: Edpuzzle - Progressive Presidents

1. Watch Video regarding the Progressive Presidents
2. Complete the questions during the video and submit assignment


Dec 7: Washington vs. Dubois in Google Classroom

Dec 7: Washington vs. Dubois

Synch Time:
1. Discussion: Minorites strive for Equality during Progressive Era
Asynch Time:
2. Comparison Questions: Dubois vs. Washington


Dec 4: Declaration of Sentiments in Google Classroom

Dec 4: Declaration of Sentiments

Synch Time:
Discuss grades and need to turn in missing assignments
Asycnh Time:
Declaration of Sentiments read primary source and complete questions


Dec 3: Women Gain Rights Timeline in Google Classroom

Dec 3: Women Gain Rights Timeline

Sycnh Time:
Class Discussion on the women's rights movement and how they gained suffrage
Asych Time:
Complete Timeline of events that led to the 19th amendment
Use textbook Topic 4.2 to find years these events happened and fill in information for both females


Topic 4.1 Notes in Google Classroom

Topic 4.1 Notes

1. Complete Topic 4.1 notes with information from class discussions on Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday
2. Do not submit notes until Thursday


Dec 2:  Government Reforms Graphic Organizer in Google Classroom

Dec 2: Government Reforms Graphic Organizer

Synch Time:
1. Class Discussion over reform movements and laws created during the Progressive Era
2. Complete Topic 4.1 Notes as teacher displays notes on his screen
Asynch Time:
3. Complete Changes in Government Google Doc using information from the link on the document and information from notes


Dec 1: Muckrakers Research in Google Classroom

Dec 1: Muckrakers Research

Synch Time:
1. Lesson on Prossive Era reporters : Muckrakers
Asynch Time:
2. Research 4 important Muckrakers of the time
3. Use hyperlinks to do research or the links provided below to complete the graphic organizers


Nov 30: Progressive Ideas & Reforms Research  in Google Classroom

Nov 30: Progressive Ideas & Reforms Research

1. Class discussion regarding Topic 4.1: The rise of the Progressive movement
2. Complete slides 1 & 2 of Topic 4.1 notes
3. Go over how to complete Google Slide assignment: Progressive Ideas & Reforms
4. use research hyperlinks on document to research ideas of Progressives and Laws that were enacted to create change
5. Links are provided below in case you cant open the ones on the slide, first link is for ideas, second link is for legislation


Nov 19:  Topic 4.4 Assessment Questions in Google Classroom

Nov 19: Topic 4.4 Assessment Questions

Synchronous Time:
1. A short discussion over Topic 4.4: Reformers in the White House
Asynchronous Time
2. Read Topic 4.4 ( pages 176-186 ) and complete Assessment questions 1-5 on the Google Doc provided or if your working from distance learning packet complete on a sheet of paper and submit by Friday, Nov 20


Nov 18: Topic 4.3 Assessment Questions in Google Classroom

Nov 18: Topic 4.3 Assessment Questions

Synch Time
A short discussion over Topic 4.3: Striving for Equality
Asynch Time
Read Topic 4.3 ( pages 171-175) and complete Assessment questions page 175 (1-5) on the Google Doc provided or if your working from distance learning packet complete on a sheet of paper and submit by Friday, Nov 20


Nov 17: Topic 4.2 Assessment Questions in Google Classroom

Nov 17: Topic 4.2 Assessment Questions

Synchronous Time:
A short discussion over Topic 4.2: Women Gain Rights
Read Topic 4.2 ( pages 164-170) and complete Assessment questions page 170 (1-5) on the Google Doc provided or if your working from distance learning packet complete on a sheet of paper and submit by Friday, Nov 20


Topic 3: Assessment Upgrade in Google Classroom

Topic 3: Assessment Upgrade

Students wishing to improve grade must do so by completing the following assignment
1. Use Topic 3 to help you complete the following questions on pages 151-152
2. Choose two or three of the following questions to answer and submit using document provided below
3. Questions 3, 4, 7,11,13,14 Must Use RACE strategy to answer questions
4. Students wishing to improve from a F to a C must complete three, If you only wish to move up one letter grade only choose two to answer
5. Email teacher regarding any questions
Grade Scale
50-45 = A
44-40 = B
39-35 = C
34-30 = D
29 or lower = F


Nov 16: Topic 4.1 Assessment Questions in Google Classroom

Nov 16: Topic 4.1 Assessment Questions

Synch Time:
1. Brief intro to topic 4.1 Progressive Era
2. Watch short intro video to reinforce what will be read
Asycnh Time
Read Topic 4.1 ( pages 156-163) and complete Assessment questions page 163 (1-5) on the Google Doc provided or if your working from distance learning packet complete on a sheet of paper and submit by Friday, Nov 20


Nov 13:  Topic 4 Key Terms (Its all Related) in Google Classroom

Nov 13: Topic 4 Key Terms (Its all Related)

Synch Time:
1. Discuss historical context of Progressive Era (Topic 4 Intro) and reasons for growth of the idea.
Asynch Time:
1. Its All Related vocabulary activity
2. Define each set of key terms and explain how they are related


Nov 12:  Topic 3 Assessment in Google Classroom

Nov 12: Topic 3 Assessment

1. Review directions and instructions for Topic 3 Assessment
2. Begin working on Topic 3 Assessment in class. (Password: Lakota) make sure you capitalize L
3. Complete Topic 3 Assessment during this time


Nov 9:  Topic 3 Study Guide in Google Classroom

Nov 9: Topic 3 Study Guide

1. Go over Study Guide with teacher in class to prepare for Topic 3 Assessment
2. Topic 3 Assessment will be on Nov 12
3. Use asynch time to complete study guide.


Nov 6:  The Populist Party: Primary Sources in Google Classroom

Nov 6: The Populist Party: Primary Sources

Synch Time:
1. View youtube video on the development of the Populist Party
2. Analyze Political Cartoon of William Jennings Bryan: 1896 Presidential Campaign
3. Explanation of Primary Source Activity regarding the Populist Party


Nov 5:  Topic 3.4 Assessment Questions (3-5) in Google Classroom

Nov 5: Topic 3.4 Assessment Questions (3-5)

1. Lecture: Topic 3.4 Farm Issues and Populism
2. Read pages 147-150
3. On page 150 complete questions 3-5 using info from pages 147-150


Nov 4: Farmers Issues and Solutions Graphic Organizer  in Google Classroom

Nov 4: Farmers Issues and Solutions Graphic Organizer

Synch Time:
1. Watch short video on the issues Farmers faced in the West during late 1800's
2. Complete the short quickwrite about the video
3. Go over today's assignment: Graphic Organizer/ Farmer problems and solutions
4. Wait for teacher to excuse you from meeting when he is done checking your quickwrite
Asynch Time:
1. Read pages 144-147 (up to "The Begining of Populism")
2. Fill in graphic organizer with notes from this section of reading


Nov 3: Political Bosses Primary Source Activity in Google Classroom

Nov 3: Political Bosses Primary Source Activity

1. Sync time: Discuss the topic of Politcal Bossess: (Who, Why, When?) in class
2. Open Google Doc and using historical thinking skill, sourcing to prepare to read two primary sources regarding Political Bosses.
3. Complete the Sourcing part of assignment in class with teacher
4. Read documents and discuss what arguments were made in Documents A & B
5. Async time: Complete the Close Reading Questions part of the assignment


Nov 2:  Topic 3.3 Assessment Questions  in Google Classroom

Nov 2: Topic 3.3 Assessment Questions

1. Lecture: Discuss with teacher Challenges government faced during Gilded Age
2. Read pages 139-143
3. Use information from reading assignment to complete questions 1-5 on page 143


Oct 29: Chinese Exclusion Act Primary Source Activity in Google Classroom

Oct 29: Chinese Exclusion Act Primary Source Activity

1. Two Day Activity: Day 1
2. Analyze Timeline in class and respond to question 1 in guiding questions document in class
3. Read Primary Source Document A & B
4. Asynch Work: Respond to questions for Documents A& B on the guiding questions doc


Topic 3.3: Check for Participation  in Google Classroom

Topic 3.3: Check for Participation

Complete Quizizz over today's lecture


Oct 28: Topic 3.2 Lecture and Assessment Questions in Google Classroom

Oct 28: Topic 3.2 Lecture and Assessment Questions

1. Topic 3.2: American settlements in the West during the Gilded Age and effects on Minortiy groups
2. Exit Ticket: Quickwrite question submit before class ends
3. Complete questions (1-5) on page 138 using Topic 3.2 pages 130-138.
4. Place questions on the same doc you did the quickwrite


Oct 27:  Homsteader Primary Source Activity in Google Classroom

Oct 27: Homsteader Primary Source Activity

1. View and Analyze the pictures Documents A-D and discover how Homesteaders and Exodusters lived in Great Plains
2. Complete the analysis questions for the pictures in the handout below


Oct 26:  "How the West Was Won" Graphic organizer in Google Classroom

Oct 26: "How the West Was Won" Graphic organizer

1. Read in class first section on how mining transformed the West and spurred growth
2. Use information from textbook pages 130-135 to complete the graphic organizer below
3. Use the essential question: How did these ideas help settle or bring growth to "The West"


Oct 23:  Carlisle Indian School Writing Prompt in Google Classroom

Oct 23: Carlisle Indian School Writing Prompt

1. Write a one paragraph response to the following question: What was the purpose of the Carlisle Indian School?
2. Make sure you cite evidence from 3 different documents to receive full points.


Oct 22: Carlisle Indian School Part 2 in Google Classroom

Oct 22: Carlisle Indian School Part 2

1. Only Read Documents C & D (you will need to scroll down past Documents A&B
2. Use the information from these primary sources to complete the Guiding Questions that are at the end of the document.


Oct 21: Carlisle Indian School: Primary Source Activity Part 1 in Google Classroom

Oct 21: Carlisle Indian School: Primary Source Activity Part 1

1. Analyze the 2 primary sources below and complete the Guided Reading Questions for each primary source


Oct 20: Topic 3.1 Reading & Assessment Questions  in Google Classroom

Oct 20: Topic 3.1 Reading & Assessment Questions

1. Lectue & discussion regarding Native Americans during the Gilded Age
2. Read pages 122-129 in history textbook
3. Complete Assessment questions 1-5 on page 129


Oct 19:  Topic 3 Intro Quickwrite & Key Terms  in Google Classroom

Oct 19: Topic 3 Intro Quickwrite & Key Terms

1. Watch short video introducing the struggles faced by different classes of people during the Gilded Age
2. Complete the quickwrite over the video in class
3. Begin and complete Key Terms used this week (define and explain how each set of words are related)


Oct 16:  Gilded Age Essay Prompt in Google Classroom

Oct 16: Gilded Age Essay Prompt

1. Write an Introduction and Conclusion
2. Add the paragraphs you created from yesterday's assignment
3. Complete your 5 paragraph essay using the included writing rubric as a guide


Oct 15:  Gilded Age Essay: Paragraph Construction in Google Classroom

Oct 15: Gilded Age Essay: Paragraph Construction

1. Work with teacher to discover how to use information from outline to create paragraphs for essay
2. Use Google Doc provided to complete paragraphs for today's assignment


Oct 14: Gilded Age: Social Issues Outline in Google Classroom

Oct 14: Gilded Age: Social Issues Outline

1. Work with teacher to begin an outline for the social issues that developed in cities during the Gilded Age.
2. Use Topics 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 to help you gather information and evidence to complete outline.


Oct 13:  Topic 2.6 Reading and Assessment Questions  in Google Classroom

Oct 13: Topic 2.6 Reading and Assessment Questions

1. Students will read with teacher in class and discuss Topic 2.6 (pages 111-116)
2. Students will complete questions 1-5 on page 116


Oct 12:  Topic 2.5 Reading and Assessment Questions  in Google Classroom

Oct 12: Topic 2.5 Reading and Assessment Questions

1. Students will read with teacher in class and discuss Topic 2.5 (pages 105-110)
2. Students will complete questions 1-5 on page 110


Oct 8-9:  Immigration during Gilded Age Political Cartoons in Google Classroom

Oct 8-9: Immigration during Gilded Age Political Cartoons

1. Use the political cartoons within the document discussing reaction to Immigration during the Gilded Age to compete the chart .


Oct 7: Topic 2.4 Immigration during Gilded Age Assessment Questions in Google Classroom

Oct 7: Topic 2.4 Immigration during Gilded Age Assessment Questions

1. Class discussion about Topic 2.4: Gilded Age Immigration
2. View the Crash Course video Immigration
3. Read Topic 2.4 pages 98-104
4. Complete Assessment Questions on page 104 (1-4)


Oct 6: US History Fall Midterm in Google Classroom

Oct 6: US History Fall Midterm

1. Begin and Complet Midterm today
2. Midterm must be turned in by 11 PM today
3. Midterm Covers Topics: Review, 1 , and 2.1-2.3


Oct 5:  Topic 2.3 Quiz & Bio in Google Classroom

Oct 5: Topic 2.3 Quiz & Bio

1. Lecture: Disccussion of America's first Labor Unions during the Gilded Age
2. Complete Documnets using information gained from today's dicussion
3. Place all answers on the Google Doc provided


Oct 2:  Robber Barons or Captains of Industry in Google Classroom

Oct 2: Robber Barons or Captains of Industry

1. Read in class and discuss COI vs RB Summary Sheet for information
2. Compare how Carnegie created his monopoly versus


Sept 24 in Google Classroom

Sept 24

1. Begin on Topic 2 vocabulary activity
2. Define both words then explain how the two key terms are related


Topic 1: Assessment Upgrade in Google Classroom

Topic 1: Assessment Upgrade

Students wishing to improve grade must do so by completing the following assignment
1. Use Topic 1 to help you complete the following questions on pages 72-73
2. Choose two or three of the following questions to answer and submit using document provided below
3. Questions 2, 3, 9, 11 Must Use RACE strategy to answer questions
4. Students wishing to improve from a F to a C must complete three, If you only wish to move up one letter grade only choose two to answer
5. Email teacher regarding any questions


Oct 1:  Andrew Carnegie Bio/ Standard Oil Cartoon  in Google Classroom

Oct 1: Andrew Carnegie Bio/ Standard Oil Cartoon

1. Listen to Mr. Vega's lecture on the Rise of Big Business during the Gilded Age
2. Read the Biography of Andrew Carnegie and complete the questions that go along with it
3. Study the Cartoon the Standard Oil Octopus and complete the questions that go with it.
4. Place all your answers on the Google Doc provided below


Sept 30: Topic 2.3 Reading & Assessment Questions in Google Classroom

Sept 30: Topic 2.3 Reading & Assessment Questions

1. Listen to directions for Back to School Night
2. Read pages 91-97
3. Complete Topic 2.3 Assessment Questions (1-5) on page 97


Sept 29:  Topic 2.2 Questions 1-5 in Google Classroom

Sept 29: Topic 2.2 Questions 1-5

1. Read Topic 2.2 pages 85 - 90
2. Do Questions 1-5 on page 90


Sept 28:  Topic 2 Industry Presentation & Patents in Google Classroom

Sept 28: Topic 2 Industry Presentation & Patents

1. Listen to teacher and participate in discussion over Topic 2.1: Inustry and Innovations in the Gilded Age
2. Use Chart on the Pantent Handout to answer questions on the google doc provided.


Sept 25:  Topic 2.1 Assessment Questions in Google Classroom

Sept 25: Topic 2.1 Assessment Questions

1. Quick discussion on how to improve grade for Topic 1 Reconstruction Assessment
2. Introduction to Topic 2 and Topic 2.1
3. Read pages 76-84 and answer Topic 2.1 Assessment questions 1-5 on page 84


Sept 22 :  Topic 1 Study Guide / Exam Tomorrow in Google Classroom

Sept 22 : Topic 1 Study Guide / Exam Tomorrow

1. Use Topic 1 Lecture Notes on Google Slides to study for exam tomorrow
2. Use Topic 1 Study Guide as well
3. Exam will include 30 multiple choice questions and one paragraph question


Sept 23:  Topic 1 Assessment (Test) in Google Classroom

Sept 23: Topic 1 Assessment (Test)

1. Complete multiple choice and paragraph questions
2. Submit test on time ensure you check when it's due


Sept 21 in Google Classroom

Sept 21

1. Use the Information from today's lecture and the Reconstruction summary to help you complete today's assignment and any information from Topic 1.3
2. You are to create a newspaper headline tablet with the information gained from the three sources above
3. Choose the headline you would like to use for your story and type it in
4. Create a story that explains why Reconstruction was a success or a failure
5. Place two pictures that help explain why it was a success or failure.
6. (5 points for pictures, 5 points for headline, 15 points for your article)


Sept 17 in Google Classroom

Sept 17

1. Teacher led discussion of African-American life during Reconstruction and the KKK
2. Assignment: Watch Crash Course Reconstruction
3. Write a paragraph discussing 5 things you found interesting about the video


Sept 18 in Google Classroom

Sept 18

1. Class discussion: Reconstruction and view video regarding Reconstruction and it's legacy
2. Read Topic 1.3 63-71 and complete questions 2, 3 & 5 on page 71
3. Please place answers on the blank document that has been included


Sept 16 in Google Classroom

Sept 16

1. Open sharecropping document and answer questions regarding the picture on the first page as teacher takes attendance
2. Discuss the idea of sharecropping and other ways land was divided in South after Reconstruction with teacher
3. Read textbook version of sharecropping (Page 2) and annotate with teacher important parts and words in the reading
4. Read the primary source "Sharecropping Contract" 1882 (Page 3)
5. Answer the questions regarding the Contract on the following page (Page 4)
6. Idependently: you will answer the questions on page 5 comparing what you read with the contract and on page 6 you will write a paragraph answering the question on the writing prompt


Sept 15 in Google Classroom

Sept 15

1. Review Lecture Notes from today's class Topic 1.2 (Google Slides)
2. Finish reading pages 59-62 independently
3. Answer questions 1-5 on page 62 on blank Google Doc provided below


Sept 9  in Google Classroom

Sept 9

1. Students are to begin their Topic 1 Key term definitions today
2. Students will use Topic 1 pages 48-71 context clues from the book and come up with their own definition of the key terms from the study guide from Topic 1
3. Below is the study for Topic 1


Sept 11 in Google Classroom

Sept 11

1. Today we will be answering the question "Why were the Radical Republicans considered Radical"
2. Define the word Radical come up with your own definition of what it means
3. Read the two primary sources in the Google Docs, one document will give the Radical point of view and the other the Conservative point of view
4. You will answer questions to help you guide your thinking so you can answer the final question
5. You are to create a RACE statement paragraph answering the question given on step 1, make sure to cite evidence from the documents.

1. Hoy responderemos a la pregunta "¿Por qué se consideraba radicales los republicanos radicales?"
2. Define la palabra Radical. Crea tu propia definición de lo que significa.
3. Lea las dos fuentes principales en Google Docs, un documento dará el punto de vista radical y el otro el punto de vista conservador.
4. Responderás preguntas que te ayudarán a guiar tu pensamiento para que puedas responder la pregunta final.
5. Debe crear un párrafo de declaración RACE que responda a la pregunta dada en el paso 1, asegúrese de citar evidencia de los documentos.


Sept 10 in Google Classroom

Sept 10

Use pages 50-54 to help you complete the graphic organizers in the documents below
Usen las paginas 50-54 para completar los organizadores el los documentos


Sept 8 in Google Classroom

Sept 8

Chapter Review Written Assessment (Test)
1. Choose 3 of the 8 questions on page 43 to answer and submit using the blank document below
2. Use the RACE strategy to respond to question
3. Responses must be in paragraph and RACE format or they will be given no points.
4. Use the RACE outline below to help you set up your response.


Sept 4 Quiz: Part 2 in Google Classroom

Sept 4 Quiz: Part 2

Use information from Crash Course Video part 2 to complete this quiz


Sept 4 Quiz: Civil War Part 1 in Google Classroom

Sept 4 Quiz: Civil War Part 1

Use the information from Crash Course Video part 1 to complete this quiz


Sept 4 in Google Classroom

Sept 4

1. Watch the following videos of the Civi of the War both parts 1 and 2
2. Find the Quizizz link for the 2 quizes on the Civil War and complete assignment.


Sept 3 in Google Classroom

Sept 3

1. Students will watch with Teacher guiding Khan Academy video of the political battles that led to the Civil War (Causes of Civil War)
2. Stuents will then use pages 27-34 and information from Khan Academy video to help them answer questions from todays assignment
3. Questions can be found below on Google Doc assignment 13

1. Los estudiantes verán con el maestro guiando el video de Khan Academy de las batallas políticas que llevaron a la Guerra Civil (Causas de la Guerra Civil)
2. Los estudiantes luego usarán las páginas 27-34 y la información del video de Khan Academy para ayudarlos a responder preguntas de la tarea de hoy.
3. Las preguntas se pueden encontrar a continuación en la tarea 13 de Google Doc.


Sept 2 in Google Classroom

Sept 2

1. Use the information from the Google Slides presentation and pages 17-26 to answer the questions on the handout provided below


September 1 in Google Classroom

September 1

1. Read with teacher article discussing Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists
2. Teacher will guide you through two primary source documents. Ask questions about any words you do not understand in the documents.
3. Analyze the two primary sources by filling in the information asked in the graphic organizer.
4. Submit when done


August 31 in Google Classroom

August 31

Use today's lecture notes and pages 11-16 in your textbook to help complete the questions on the Google Doc provided


August 28 in Google Classroom

August 28

1. Work with teacher to rewrite part of the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence
2. Read the grievances and decide what grievance effects who the most: All Colonists or rich and powerful
3. Using the information you've gained today answer the final two questions at the bottom of last document
4. When done submit document.

1. Trabajar con el maestro para reescribir parte del Preámbulo de la Declaración de Independencia.
2. Lea las quejas y decida qué queja afecta más a quién: a todos los colonos o ricos y poderosos
3. Con la información que ha obtenido hoy, responda las dos últimas preguntas al final del último documento.
4. Cuando termine, envíe el documento.


Aug 27 in Google Classroom

Aug 27

1. First Read Declaration of Independence excerpt
2. Listen to discussion of Declaration of Independence
3. Read two secondary sources arguing about Declaration
4. Fill in graphic organizer using secondary sources


August 26 in Google Classroom

August 26

1. Use information from today's discussion and text book pages 7-10 to complete today's assignment below


August 25  in Google Classroom

August 25

1. Read the Biographies of Enlightenment Philosphers John Locke, Baron De Montesquieu, Jean-Jacques Rossoueau
2. Use the information from the biographies to complete the Interactive Notebook Assignment #6 below

1. Lea las biografías de los filósofos de la Ilustración John Locke, Baron De Montesquieu, Jean-Jacques Rossoueau
2. Utilice la información de las biografías para completar la Tarea n. ° 6 del cuaderno interactivo a continuación


August 24 in Google Classroom

August 24

1. Use the information on pages 4-6 in your textbook or the Google Slide presentation we discussed today to help you complete today's assigment.
2. You are to write a 4-6 sentence quickwrite answering the following prompt: What Democratic Traditions were present in the English Colonies before the signing of the Declaration of Independence.


August 21 in Google Classroom

August 21

Use the information from yesterday's assignment to decide who should be suspended and why?


August 20 in Google Classroom

August 20

1. We will be using the historical thinking skills of Sourcing, Contextualization, and Corroborating that we have been discussing to complete this assignment
2. Read the different Sources that discuss the fight and complete the graphic organizer with information from the sources that are given.

1. Usaremos las habilidades de pensamiento histórico de abastecimiento, contextualización y corroboración que hemos estado discutiendo para completar esta tarea.
2. Leer las diferentes Fuentes que discuten la pelea y completar el organizador gráfico con información de las fuentes que se dan.


August 19 in Google Classroom

August 19

1. We will be continuing with yesterday's idea of "Thinking Historically"
2. I have posted once again the Historical Thinking Skills Handout for you to use as a reference for today's assignment
3. To complete Assignment 2: Lunchroom fight you are to read


August 18 in Google Classroom

August 18

1. Use the information we discussed in class about Historical Thinking Skills to help you complete today's lesson "The importance of Sourcing" to complete today's assignment
2. Open Assignment 1: Evaluating Sources and evaluate each question and the sources given to decide which source is better and why you believe that source is better than the other one provided.

1. Utilice la información que discutimos en clase sobre las Habilidades de pensamiento histórico para ayudarlo a completar la lección de hoy "La importancia del Abastecimiento para completar la tarea de hoy".
2. Abra la Tarea 1: Evaluación de las fuentes y evalúe cada pregunta y las fuentes proporcionadas para decidir qué fuente es mejor y por qué cree que esa fuente es mejor que la otra proporcionada.


August 17 in Google Classroom

August 17

1. Listen to teacher discuss expectations, rules, procedures, and how to use several apps on Ipad
2. After Google Meeting have your parents read syllabus and provide information needed at the bottom of syllabus
3. Watch Youtube video below "An Open Letter"
4. A transcript in Spanish is included for those that do not understand the video presenter so that you can complete the assignment.
5. Open the Google Doc Open Letter Graphic organizer and while watching video take notes using the first part of the Graphic Organizer, when you are done complete the last graphic organizer. There are two of them so make sure you scroll down

1. Escuche al maestro hablar sobre expectativas, reglas, procedimientos y cómo usar varias aplicaciones en el Ipad.
2. Después de la reunión de Google, pida a sus padres que lean el programa y proporcionen la información necesaria al final del programa.
3. Vea el video de YouTube debajo de "Una carta abierta"
4. Se incluye una transcripción en español para aquellos que no entienden al presentador del video para que puedan completar la tarea.
5. Abra el organizador gráfico de carta abierta de Google Doc y, mientras mira el video, tome notas con la primera parte del organizador gráfico, cuando haya terminado, complete el último organizador gráfico. Hay dos, así que asegúrate de desplazarte hacia abajo.